Essentials of Business Prayer
Your business does not only need corporate plans and strategies but also requires God’s wisdom and direction that you can access through prayer. Business prayer aims at bringing God’s kingdom into the business and what you do, and helps you find God and serve his purposes in whatever you do. If you’re a business leader or an employee you already know that the business world is not for the fainthearted due to the existence of various challenges brought about by challenging circumstances, negative outcomes, or challenges finding the purpose for the business and casting a long-term vision for the business. Regardless of your religion, prayer can add value to your business.
Establishment of the of God’s kingdom in your business, business leaders, and the employees is the primary pursuit of business prayer, and hence prayer is not a quick fix to issues facing your business or a way to help you crowd out the competition using divine power. Both driving and struggling businesses need prayer, and hence, the condition of the business should not be the basis for seeking business prayer. There are three important services offered under business prayers, and this includes listening prayers, encouragement, and coaching for your business leaders and employees, and equipping your organization to be able to establish the kingdom of God both internally and externally.
The first important business prayer service that your business can enjoy is listening prayers. You could be wondering what listening prayer is all about since your understanding of prayer is just letting God know what you need, and that is the end but you need to know that listening prayer is much more than just committing requests to God. When you need to hear God and learn what he wants you to do concerning your business or your life, you need to engage in listening prayer and not just the usual prayer you may be used to. Listening prayer may not be beneficial if you’re not sure how to go about it, and hence, it is recommended that you get help from trained teams from reputable business prayer companies. Listening prayers produce beneficial results in companies in the lives of employees.
Another crucial service that your organization will receive from business prayer is continuous encouragement and coaching offered to the business leaders and other employees at all levels. God’s intervention in difficult circumstances as well as during times of important decisions, business prayer offers a lot of support and encouragement on which path to take and be patient until everything is fine.
Equipping business leaders with the right knowledge and skill to impact the workplace in a way that promotes the building of God’s kingdom is another important element of business prayer. Doing business is not just about making profit and hence business prayer make sure that establishing the kingdom of God in making God honored in the workplace is taken as a priority