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Essential Things to Know About Hair Dyes

Hair dyes are among the most popularly used hair products across the world today with countless people using them to enhance their looks. It is very common, for instance, to see people aging people coloring their hair black to look younger and better looking by enhancing the great color of their hair even when it is totally white. The primary and major chemical ingredients involved in the coloring process are ammonia and hydrogen peroxide with the latter being the oxidizing agent and it comes in a wide range of forms as well as strengths and thus playing a crucial role in the initiating the process of color formation. Additionally, this chemical also aids in creating a durable and long-lasting color, which ensures customer satisfaction and great value for their money as well.

With the critical role that hydrogen peroxide plays in hair dyes, it is vital always to pick dyes that have an adequate amount of the component. It is, however, vital to note very high amounts of hydrogen peroxide mean that more amounts of sulfur are also removed from the hair as well which in the end results in hardening of hair, in addition, to loss of weight in the end. There is also ammonia which on the other side acts as a catalyst during the combination of the permanent hair color and hydrogen peroxide. Just like any other alkaline products, ammonia helps in the separation of the cuticle, which allows the hair color to penetrate into the hair cortex. Depending on the amount of these chemicals found in the dye, the hair dyes are classified into three major categories, namely permanent dyes, semi-permanent, and temporary dyes.

Temporary hair dyes are most suitable for people attending a special occasion such as Halloween and any other event that require the attendants to have a specific hair look. Most of the modern temporary hair dyes are found in not just gels but also foams and rinses in addition to shampoos among many other hair products. In most cases, the pigment particles in these dyes are usually large in size and thus almost impossible for them to enter the cuticle layer, which makes them remain adherent to the hair shaft. Just a single wash with the right shampoo can easily get rid of these particles leaving one with their original hair color.

Next, on the list are the semi-permanent hair dyes which coat the hair shaft while at the same time changing the hair color temporarily to the desired shades of hair color ranging from pink to blue and red among many others ? getting rid of them after application requires several washes and shampooing ranging between 6 and ten without mixing them with any other components. The pigment particles of these dyes are relatively smaller in size and thus easy to penetrate within the hair cuticle and maintain the color for a longer time.

Finally, there are the permanent hair dyes which are suitable for people looking to get rid of their natural hair color and replacing it with their desired colors.

Lessons Learned from Years with Hair

Learning The Secrets About Hair